Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Amateur Radio and the Cloud computing networks.

As we understand, the Cloud computing works on-demand of computational resources which are data and software by using a computer network, rather running the whole process on a local computer. The end-users’ computer require minimum software which may require just an O/S and a web browser. The key principle of the Cloud computing is to have computers connected to the Internet to gain a pool of same computing power. The public email for example, Gmail, Hotmail or Yahoo mail are well-know applications that run on the concept of Cloud computing. For the usage outside the corporate enterprises, the data files such as music, pictures, videos and chunk of other type are the main traffic over the Cloud networks. This has created social network economy system that business gain benefits from advertising in both direct and indirect, while the end users are enjoying the low cost or free services.

Although this is a near future trend that will replace the local contents hardware and software, we still see big gaps of uncovered network areas. Not only in the emerging countries, the developed countries also can not confirm the availability of fully-uninterrupted or free from outage. This may not sound serious if some people in the Cloud computing can’t access to their music files some time, but it is very serious if the Cloud access is for life and death situation. For the general-end user, we hope to see the fully-uninterrupted high-bandwidth network cover the whole world available for us in the near future.

In preparing, there are some talks about “How the Cloud computer relate to Amateur Radio?”  For the real operation in digital mode, Amateur Radio has been using RTTY since after the 1849 then later developed to AMTOR, PACTOR, Packet Radio, PSK31, WINLINK and TCP/IP as the most recent. This can consider as a trend of RF works from the Amateur Radio that moving toward the same network, the Internet. This doesn’t include the indirect applications that already run on this network. Anyway, the Amateur Radio networks still strictly operate separately from the non-amateur radio world.

As the Cloud computing becoming a new big thing for the mobile/Smartphone and desktop computers, this technology will get closer to us soon. It will also benefit to the World in Emergencies and Disasters if the Clouds also have gateway link to the Amateur Radio. By providing a gateway convertor to TCP/IP which can transport packet text into Twitter or Facebook to the radio over the air! This will close the gap of accessibility and information gathering from the fields. This can be a starting momentum to develop more applications that support field operations and shorten the gap of generations under the features of Cloud computing networks. 

Phat Kulphaichitra
June 7th, 2011

How the Cloud computer relate to Amateur Radio?

As we understand, the Cloud computing works on-demand of computational resources which are data and software by using a computer network, rather running the whole process on a local computer. The end-users’ computer require minimum software which may require just an O/S and a web browser. The key principle of the Cloud computing is to have computers connected to the Internet to gain a pool of same computing power. The public email for example, Gmail, Hotmail or Yahoo mail are well-know applications that run on the concept of Cloud computing. For the usage outside the corporate enterprises, the data files such as music, pictures, videos and chunk of other type are the main traffic over the Cloud networks. This has created social network economy system that business gain benefits from advertising in both direct and indirect, while the end users are enjoying the low cost or free services.

Although this is a near future trend that will replace the local contents hardware and software, we still see big gaps of uncovered network areas. Not only in the emerging countries, the developed countries also can not confirm the availability of fully-uninterrupted or free from outage. This may not sound serious if some people in the Cloud computing can’t access to their music files some time, but it is very serious if the Cloud access is for life and death situation. For the general-end user, we hope to see the fully-uninterrupted high-bandwidth network cover the whole world available for us in the near future.

In preparing, there are some talks about “How the Cloud computer relate to Amateur Radio?”  For the real operation in digital mode, Amateur Radio has been using RTTY since after the 1849 then later developed to AMTOR, PACTOR, Packet Radio, PSK31, WINLINK and TCP/IP as the most recent. This can consider as a trend of RF works from the Amateur Radio that moving toward the same network, the Internet. This doesn’t include the indirect applications that already run on this network. Anyway, the Amateur Radio networks still strictly operate separately from the non-amateur radio world.
As the Cloud computing becoming a new big thing for the mobile/Smartphone and desktop computers, this technology will get closer to us soon. It will also benefit to the World in Emergencies and Disasters if the Clouds also have gateway link to the Amateur Radio. By providing a gateway convertor to TCP/IP which can transport packet text into Twitter or Facebook to the radio over the air! This will close the gap of accessibility and information gathering from the fields. This can be a starting momentum to develop more applications that support field operations and shorten the gap of generations under the features of Cloud computing networks. 

Phat Kulphaichitra
June 7th, 2011